Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cambodia: Phnom Penh's beer scene is chugging away

Cambodian beer
Kingdom is a German-centric brand. (Kingdom Breweries)
Microbreweries and beer gardens are making inroads in Phnom Penh as the taste for hops keeps growing.

By Gemma Price,
Special to the Los Angeles Times
November 20, 2011

Reporting from Phnom Penh, Cambodia—Cambodia might not rank among the world's brewery or beer garden capitals, but change is coming.

From its setting on the banks of the Tonle Sap river, Kingdom Breweries, Phnom Penh's newest boutique producer, is gearing up to give local brands Anchor and Angkor a run for their riel, using only the best German and Czech hops, premium German malt and top-quality water to produce the brand's flagship pilsner.

"Fancy one?" Chief Executive Peter Brongers asked me, offering a bottle of the brewery's first batch from his office mini-fridge. "The locals think it's a little bitter, but I think it's perfect."


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