Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Husband says wife left to die in delivery room

A husband whose wife died earlier this month after he brought her to the Takeo Provincial Hospital to give birth is suing hospital staff and asking for legal action to be taken against them for all-eged malpractice. 

Mach Reaksmey said yesterday that when he took his wife to the hospital, staff refused to provide service until he paid them a delivery fee of 120,000 riel (about US$30).

An ultrasound test conducted at 8pm on October 31 found that the foetus was dead, but instead of operating, medical staff merely gave his wife a few pills and left her to die in the delivery room, Mach Reaksmey said.

I want to protect other women from these dangers

They continued to give her pills instead of operating until his wife died at 5:15am on November 4, he said, adding that he begged them to help as her condition deteriorated.

“They kept telling me her condition was normal, but when they finally checked her, they said she was too sick to be treated there.

“Then they told me she had no hope of living and said I should send her to Phnom Penh for treatment.

“My wife died because the doctors treated her unprofessionally. These doctors are the worst.

“I want the courts to ensure justice for my wife.

“I want them to protect other pregnant women from these dangers, and to prevent these doctors and midwives doing this to women.

“I would like to ask the court to strongly punish them by the law.”

Mach Reaksmey said he would also seek compensat-ion of US$5,000 from the hospital staff.

Khieu Sam Ros, director of the Takeo Provincial Referral Hospital, could not be reached for comment.

Un Thanann, Takeo co-ord-inator for the rights groups Adhoc, said he had received a copy of Mach Reaksmey’s complaint to the court.

“This is a serious case, and the first of its kind to happen in Takeo. Adhoc will investigate this case,” he said.

Ke Sakhorn, vice-president of the Takeo Provincial Court, said he had yet to receive the complaint, but would take immediate act-ion as soon as he did.


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