Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

ជនជាតិខ្មែរកើតនៅលើដីខ្មែរ ត្រូវចេះខំថែជាតិឲ្យបានរុងរឿង កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះជាតិ យើងបានថ្កុំថ្កើង លុះត្រាតែយើងចេះថែរក្សា។ ទោះបីខ្មែររស់នៅប្រទេសណា ចូរកុំភ្លេចថាខ្លួនកើតមកជាខ្មែរ កុំឲ្យបរទេស គេមកបង្វែរ ឲ្យខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ បែកសាមគ្គីគ្នា ថ្វីបើគេហ៊ានចំណាយ ប្រាក់កាសចាយហូរហៀរយ៉ាងណា ចូរកុំភ្លេច កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះខេមរា រុងរឿងថ្លៃថ្លា តាំងពីបុរាណ ព្រលឹងជាតិនៅគង់វង្សបានយូរ ទាល់តែយើង ស៊ូរួបរួមគ្នាគ្រប់ប្រាណ កសាងជាតិដោយក្តីក្លាហាន នោះជាតិយើងបានស្គាល់ក្តីរុងរឿង។


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Vietnam officials 'seriously injured' in land row

  A growing number of land disputes between local officials and residents have ended in violence in Vietnam this year
Hundreds of villagers stormed a local government office in Vietnam, smashing furniture and seriously injuring two officials in connection with a land dispute, state media said on Thursday.
The violence was prompted by the arrest of a 27-year-old man for allegedly assaulting two officials in central Ha Tinh province as part of a growing row over claims of corrupt land seizures, the Thanh Nien newspaper said.
The authorities have launched a probe into the rampage, which lasted from late Tuesday until early Wednesday and left two local Communist Party officials hospitalised and several others lightly wounded, the report said.
A growing number of land disputes between local officials and residents have ended in violence in Vietnam this year.
A high-profile case of a farmer defending his land with home-made explosives dominated headlines in January and prompted the prime minister to pledge reform.
Disputes over land are a sensitive issue in the communist nation, where all land is owned by the state and usage rights are not always clear or protected.


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