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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cambodia Independent Civil Servants Association (CICA) Report of Assembly 2012

An employee of Ministry of Environment Mr. KAO Poeun was elected as the new leader of the CICA on Dec 16, 2012. He is a founder and project officer of the Association since 2004. Mr. HEAK Pring, an employee of Rural Development Ministry was elected as Secretary General of CICA. >>> Read report in English and Khmer version bellow.

DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2012 
Paris Peace Arcord on October 23, 1991 supported by international community and the civil war because of internal conflict over three decades was totally ended in 1998 would provide the golden opportunity to restore its face and development. General overview, Cambodia is a small country with its 14 million people and nature-given diverse resources and further more Cambodia has gotten millions dollars in technical and financial assistance from the international communities every year should have developed faster than another countries in the ASEAN region and and the living standard and dinity of people and civil servants should be ensured and better. 
Such hopes would seem to be far away from them especially for ordinary civil servants. They would be hopeless whether when would they have good salary and better living condition? Camparing salary and living situation of Cambodia’s civil servants with civil servants of some countries in regions and ASEAN members countries is very low particularly ordinary civil servants would not be able to meet the family’s daily demands such as for electricity price, water price and transportation to their dailly work. Dailly increase of goods prices in market, food, clothes, accomodation, medicine, social ceremonies are their concerns. Furthermore, high expenses for social services connecting with the government-given poor services because of unfair social services, nepotism, partism, curruption, poor governance and management in benefits constribution from development without transparency and equity in society. Reflecting these mentioned problems how would quality, effectiveness, responsibility and proffesional works for publics? and what do their believes, willing, consciousness, responsibilities, dinity and code of conduct with people to take place?
Relating to the above mentioned problems so far have been seen that, politicial leaders frequently have dropped it on the consequences of causes of civil war. With this reason would be stopped. The politicians sould examine and learn from past experiences of poor management and poor governance and then converting them to provide and serve public services with good governance. 
Good-given public services is playing an important role in enhanchment of dinity and living condition. Over view of ours, Successful factors of country development are linking to the political willing, human esource, and management with good governance is essential. Present as well as future, civil servants are always playing critical actors in supporting and inspiring public services qulity enhancement and country’s development. In constrast with, bad or public-given poor services, corruption, nepotism, unfair, limitted human right and poor governance are challenges and beriers of development. 
Coming year 2015, one ASEAN community and one distination, climate change, globalization, free market and high technology etc. would Cambodia to be read? Cambodia has to be ready and sufficient in challenging with such events. The civil servants is needed to pay attention by the government. In Cambodia would not be ready, Cambodia would not able to compete with the changes and influcen of the globalization, free market and high technology. Ordinary people and civil servants firstly would suffer from such changes.Gradually, willing, consciousness, human right and democracy would be broken down. Spirits and decisions of general assembly of Camdia Independent Civil Servants Association (CICA) and to meet the memtioned concerns and challenges would express prioritizing following statements and activities:
  • Coming ASEAN in 2015, public services should be enhanced that ensuring the quality of life and dinity of people particularly ordinary civil servants. Good governance, human right and democracy enhancement is key factor so CICA should have a strong voice, one voice, sufficient capacity building of leaders, organizing members, information, knowledge, experiences exhange, sharing and dissemination, advocacy programm, facilitation, and coordination with its members and networks through good cooperation enhancement, capacity building, study tour, exchange programmm, micro credit and another possible services with development, hugh right and democratic activists and another partners even both local and international partners.
  • Inspiring and pushing the government to recognize the full rights of public employee to establish union and collective bargaining agreement goes along with the Cambodia’s constitution and international convention # 87 and 98 on right in organizing and common negotiation that Cambodia’s government ratified.
  • Cambodia’s government should provide enough salary particularly ordinary civil servants, right management in ranking promotion with capability, skills, duration and work periences. Salary would be a main factor that affecting the public services and quality of life and dinity.
  • Regular and good system in ranking promoting, recruitment and another benefits for civil servants. Clear policy, action plan, and recruitment system should be in place. It is recognized that the encouragement system with good governance, transparency, social justice and involvement of stakeholders are very vital factors in quality enhancement of public service.
  • Cambodia’s government should establish SOCIAL PROTECTION PROGRAMM for civil servants and their families.
  • Clear system in expenditures and income of nation with transparency and credibility of publics.
  • Urgen stop in political quota system in inserting public civil servants by polical parties and inspiring concerning solution. Since 1993, 1998 and 2003, the political quota system has brought about the effects to public services. 
  • Cambodia’s government should pay more attention and ensure the quality of life, dinity and public credibility by public service enhancement through human ritht, democracy and good governance improvement that are enhancement of participation, transparency, rule of law and responsibility. 
Phnom Penh, December 16, 2012 
President of CICA


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