Patrick Semansky/Associated Press
Pfc. Bradley Manning faces a potential life sentence if convicted of leaking documents.
FORT MEADE, Md. — In a half-empty courtroom here, with a crew of fervent supporters in attendance, Pfc. Bradley Manning and his lawyer have spent the last two weeks turning the tables on the government.
Private Manning faces a potential life sentence if convicted on charges that he gave WikiLeaks,
the antisecrecy organization, hundreds of thousands of confidential
military and diplomatic documents. But for now, he has been effectively
putting on trial his former jailers at the Quantico, Va., Marine Corps
base. His lawyer, David E. Coombs, has grilled one Quantico official
after another, demanding to know why his client was kept in isolation
and stripped of his clothing at night as part of suicide-prevention
Mr. Coombs, a polite but relentless interrogator who stands a foot
taller than his client, has laid bare deep disagreements inside the
military: psychiatrists thought the special measures unnecessary, while
jail commanders ignored their advice and kept the suicide restrictions
in place. In a long day of testimony last week, Private Manning of the
Army, vilified as a dangerous traitor by some members of Congress but
lauded as a war-crimes whistle-blower on the political left, heartened
his sympathizers with an eloquent and even humorous performance on the
“He was engaged, chipper, optimistic,” said Bill Wagner, 74, a retired
NASA solar physicist who is a courtroom regular, dressed in the black
“Truth” T-shirt favored by Private Manning’s supporters.
Private Manning, who turns 25 on Dec. 17 and looks much younger, was
quietly attentive during Friday’s court session, in a dress uniform,
crew-cut blond hair and wire-rimmed glasses. If his face were not
already familiar from television news, he might have been mistaken for a
first-year law student assisting the defense team.
It seemed incongruous that he has essentially acknowledged
responsibility for the largest leak of classified material in history.
The material included a quarter-million State Department cables whose
release may have chilled diplomats’ ability to do their work discreetly
but also helped fuel the Arab Spring; video of American helicopter crews
shooting people on the ground in Baghdad who they thought were enemy
fighters but were actually Reuters journalists; field reports on the
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; and confidential assessments of the
detainees locked up at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
As the military pursues the case against Private Manning, the Justice
Department continues to explore the possibility of charging WikiLeaks’
founder, Julian Assange,
or other activists with the group, possibly as conspirators in Private
Manning’s alleged offense. Federal prosecutors in Alexandria, Va., are
still assigned to that investigation, according to law enforcement
officials, but it is not clear how active they have been lately in
presenting evidence to a grand jury.
The current tone of the legal proceedings against Private Manning is
most likely temporary. His lawyer is asking the judge overseeing the
case to throw out the charges on the ground that his pretrial treatment
was unlawful, but that outcome appears unlikely.
As a fallback, Mr. Coombs is hoping the court will at least give Private
Manning extra credit against any ultimate sentence for the time he
spent held under harsh conditions at Quantico and earlier in Kuwait,
where he was kept in what he described as “an animal cage.” After the
uproar about his treatment, including public criticism from the State
Department’s top spokesman and the United Nations’ top torture expert,
military officials moved Private Manning in April 2011 from Quantico to a
new prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where he has not faced the same
restrictions on clothing, sleeping conditions and conversation with
other inmates.
As if to underscore the gravity of his legal predicament, Private
Manning offered last month to plead guilty to lesser charges that could
send him to prison for 16 years. Prosecutors have not said whether they
are interested in such a deal, which would mean they would have to give
up seeking a life sentence for the most serious charges: aiding the
enemy and violating the Espionage Act.
Friday’s court session was attended by a dozen Manning loyalists, including Thomas A. Drake, the former National Security Agency
official who was accused of leaking documents and pleaded guilty to a
minor charge last year. They heard the commander of the Quantico brig,
or military jail, explain why she refused Private Manning’s request to
be taken off “prevention of injury” status.
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