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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Payungsak calls special meeting to secure job

Internal conflict at the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) is expected to intensify today with two rival camps calling for an extraordinary board meeting at the same time but in different locations.
FTI chairman Payungsak Chartsutipol has called a meeting at FTI headquarters at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre at 3pm, while his rivals, led by FTI deputy chairman Tanit Sorat, have called a meeting at Dusit Thani Hotel at the same time.
Each camp needs the support of more than half of FTI's 348 board members to achieve their aims.
Mr Payungsak, who is backed by industrial giants like PTT Plc and SCG Group, is looking to secure his chairmanship. Mr Tanit's camp, consisting of provincial industry operators particularly in the Central Plains, are trying to get a board majority to support their goal of bringing down Mr Payungsak.
The strength of the support among board members for each camp is unclear.
Mr Tanit said yesterday that the meeting's agenda is to endorse the resolution of the FTI's ordinary board meeting on Nov 26, which resolved to sack Mr Payungsak and consequently also terminate the terms of his 70 executive board members.
That meeting was attended by 182 board members, 139 of whom voted to remove Mr Payungsak.
But Mr Payungsak and his camp did not accept the resolution, saying it was unlawful.
Mr Payungsak claims that according to the FTI Act, removing him from the chairmanship will require the approval of two thirds of FTI's 7,800 members at FTI's annual meeting.
Mr Tanit's camp disagree, saying that regulation only applies to attempts to remove committee members.
The ordinary meeting on Nov 26 was held by Mr Tanit's camp despite Mr Payungsak postponing it and ordering staff to lock the meeting rooms at FTI headquarters.
Mr Tanit's camp held their session in front of the meeting rooms where they reached the resolution to remove Mr Payungsak.
Mr Tanit accepts this conflict has severely damaged the organisation's image. He said he would not accept any nomination to become FTI chairman.
The Nov 26 meeting had appointed former FTI chairman Santi Vilassakdanont as FTI acting chairman.
The rift between the two groups is due to dissatisfaction among some FTI members at Mr Payungsak's failure to lobby the government to delay the nationwide daily minimum wage hike. His opponents say Mr Payungsak bows to political demands, which hurts FTI's members.


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