Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Reader's New Year Challenge: You should brush up your history lessons, Mr. School Of Vice

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Note by School of Vice

The facts or features contained in this article are reproduced in entirety from other sources which are clearly stated, and not the work or imagination of School of Vice.

However, if I feel the necessity to "brush up my history lessons" I would be most ill advised to do so on instruction from faux pas ‘scholars’ and ‘historians’ of Vietnam who have no shame in concocting historical "facts" to fit in with the official Party line?

Now, assuming this particular story report is false and your version is historically accurate, what then are your versions of history or "lessons" surrounding the Mekong Delta [Kampuchea Krom], Koh Tral [Sorry, it’s "Phu Qoc" in your language! A place visible from Kep on most days, unlike all these distant South China Sea islands you claim as yours. Of course, territorial sovereignty is not governed by distance necessarily] the Kingdom of Champa, the on-going encroachments along Cambodia's eastern border and so forth?

I believe that even yourself and most of your Vietnamese compatriots know that their nation has historically been in large measure a product of piece meal annexations of other peoples' and nations' domains and historical territories: a nation carved up of other nations' expanses and sovereignties. So, aren't you being a shade disingenuous asking your own nation's victims [or indeed anyone for that matter!] to take historical lessons when you yourself along with your genetically like minded compatriots never care about the losses endured by other peoples as a result of your own [nation's] greed and actions, nor the academic principle of veracity or integrity and scrupulous empirical truths before history? And consider, if you will, how absurd it would be for the Jews to take history lessons from the Nazis about racism and holocaust? I rest my case...for now!
Anonymous said...
“The island belongs to Vietnam, it is not debatable. However, Here is what one of the local filipinos island mayor said...
“Through proper coordination via diplomatic channels, perhaps we can go there and shop for our basic needs instead of sourcing our supplies from mainland Palawan, which is quite far,” Bito-onon said...
As you could see, Vietnam's supermarket will benefit everyone.”
Additional note by School of Vice
Let's see what the Chinese have to say about your ‘not debatable’ ownership issue!
Sourcing supplies and establishing supermarkets are one thing, but using these means to entrench your roots and occupation of someone else's territories as you [Vietnam] have been doing to your neighbours’ rightful properties, is another matter altogether.

Further, isn't that the same slogan and bait you and your ancestors had deployed vis a vis the Chams, the Khmers and the Montagnards [ethnic hill tribes] in history i.e. that your settlements in a given local region would work out to the universal benefit of all? For instance, presently, that floating settlements by Vietnamese immigrants on the lake of the Tonle Sap help bring down and keep the price of fish consumption low? Indeed, you have been applying the same economic logic to all your long term strategic schemes in Indochina from Triangle Economic Development to mass prostitution and media broadcasting, particularly, in regions marked by clear ethnic populations and along the bordering provinces! Surely, is that not also the very same logic in gifting prostitutes to a commanding officer on his birthday whilst you prepared and moved your troops onto an unprotected deserted island?
If you are absolutely sure that your ownership of the island in question is beyond debate, would it not have been more honourable and proper to settle conflicting claims through diplomatic or legal channels? I understand that you have called for the South China Sea territorial disputes with China to be settled at the World Court or multilaterally through Asean mechanism. This being a superpower you cannot hope to confront militarily to enforce your claims? On the other hand, you have been doing everything possible to ensure your satellite regime in Phnom Penh will never have recourse to ask the World Court or the UN Security Council to protect Cambodia's national sovereignty and territory from your perennial encroachments!
When will you and your kind ever learn to live among your neighbours without deceptions and treachery for a change, eh? What makes you assume all these ethnic groups would rather live under your imposed rule and submit to your discriminatory laws and disenfranchisement against them in the immediate or long term?


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