Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jaguar Land Rover to create 800 new jobs

Jaguar car  
Jaguar Land Rover has seen demand for its cars grow
Jaguar Land Rover has announced the creation of 800 production jobs at its plant in Solihull.
It comes on top of a successful retail performance by the carmaker, owned by India's Tata, in 2012.
The West Midlands plant already employs 6,000 people producing the Range Rover Discovery and Defender models.
The government said the news was a welcome boost. Last week Japanese carmaker Honda said it would cut 800 jobs at its Swindon production plant.
Jaguar Land Rover said earlier this month that its outlook for 2013 was positive after UK vehicle sales rose by one fifth last year.
The new jobs are being created to deal with increased demand from China and the Far East, Russia and the US.
The Chinese market - where sales of Jaguar Land Rover's vehicles have risen 80% in the past year - has been rising in importance to the company.
Jaguar Land Rover sealed a joint venture to make cars with Chinese company Chery Automobile in November.
In December the firm also said it was considering building cars in Saudi Arabia.
If it went ahead, it would be the Indian-owned company's second overseas manufacturing plant, after agreeing to build a plant in Shanghai.
More than 200 of the 800 new UK jobs to be created are supported by the government's regional growth fund.
They will be taken on one-year contracts to start with and will be converted to full time workers should market conditions remain strong


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