Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

ជនជាតិខ្មែរកើតនៅលើដីខ្មែរ ត្រូវចេះខំថែជាតិឲ្យបានរុងរឿង កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះជាតិ យើងបានថ្កុំថ្កើង លុះត្រាតែយើងចេះថែរក្សា។ ទោះបីខ្មែររស់នៅប្រទេសណា ចូរកុំភ្លេចថាខ្លួនកើតមកជាខ្មែរ កុំឲ្យបរទេស គេមកបង្វែរ ឲ្យខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ បែកសាមគ្គីគ្នា ថ្វីបើគេហ៊ានចំណាយ ប្រាក់កាសចាយហូរហៀរយ៉ាងណា ចូរកុំភ្លេច កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះខេមរា រុងរឿងថ្លៃថ្លា តាំងពីបុរាណ ព្រលឹងជាតិនៅគង់វង្សបានយូរ ទាល់តែយើង ស៊ូរួបរួមគ្នាគ្រប់ប្រាណ កសាងជាតិដោយក្តីក្លាហាន នោះជាតិយើងបានស្គាល់ក្តីរុងរឿង។


Monday, January 21, 2013

Preparation underway for funeral of late Cambodian King Father Sihanouk

Xinhua | 2013-1-20
The custom-built crematorium for the cremation of late King Father Norodom Sihanouk is under construction in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, January 19, 2013. Sihanouk died of illness at the age of 90 in Beijing on October 15, 2012. His body will be moved to a custom-built crematorium at the Meru field next to the Royal Palace on February 1 and kept it for another three days at the site before it is cremated on February 4. (Xinhua/Sovannara)
Cambodian troops march in front of the Royal Palace in preparation for the funeral of late King Father Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, January 19, 2013. Sihanouk died of illness at the age of 90 in Beijing on October 15, 2012. His body will be moved to a custom-built crematorium at the Meru field next to the Royal Palace on February 1 and kept it for another three days at the site before it is cremated on February 4. (Xinhua/Sovannara)
Cambodian troops march in front of the Royal Palace in preparation for the funeral of late King Father Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, January 19, 2013. Sihanouk died of illness at the age of 90 in Beijing on October 15, 2012. His body will be moved to a custom-built crematorium at the Meru field next to the Royal Palace on February 1 and kept it for another three days at the site before it is cremated on February 4. (Xinhua/Sovannara)


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