Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Mam Sonando appeal date set by court

(Photo: AFP)
18 February 2013
By Chhay Channyda
The Phnom Penh Post

The Court of Appeal has set a March 5 hearing date in the controversial case of Beehive radio director Mam Sonando, his lawyer said yesterday.
Sa Sovan, the attorney for the independent broadcaster who stands convicted of insurrection, said he received the schedule notice over the weekend.
Sonando, who turned 72 last week, seeks the overturn of his October conviction, in which he was found guilty of masterminding a so-called secessionist movement in Kratie province.
Many believed that no such movement existed and that it was fabricated as an excuse to violently evict hundreds from land that had long been locked in a dispute with a powerful local concessionaire.
A 14-year-old was shot dead during the raid.
In addition to Sonando, three villagers are serving between 10 months and five years in prison on related charges, while a local activist, Bun Ratha, was sentenced to 30 years in absentia.


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