Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Full-figured mannequins cause Internet stir

Fashion fans applauded the curvy, lingerie-clad mannequins spotted in a Swedish chain store in 2010. Now, the person who took the viral photo is launching a campaign to push stores to use more realistic-sized mannequins.

The Swedish Mannequins Facebook page aims to encourage stores to use fuller-figured mannequins.

A clothing store in Sweden is causing an Internet stir by women around the world after a photo of two curvy mannequins was posted online.
According to the Swedish photographer Rebecka Silvekroon, the photo has been "liked" on Facebook more than one million times. The image was posted on Women's Rights News earlier this month, followed by the French page BIBA and the Canadian radio channel The New HOT 105.5, among others, with each garnering as much as tens of thousands of likes, backed by a flood of supportive comments and media coverage around the globe. "Store mannequins in Sweden," the caption on the Women's Rights News post reads. "They look like real women."
The mannequins, clad in lingerie, have fuller thighs and more generous stomachs, giving them a more realistic body proportion than traditional mannequins. Most mannequins in the US, for example, are a US size 4 or 6, a departure from the average American woman, who wears a size 14.
Initially, there was some confusion over where the Swedish mannequins were located, with some reports citing H&M. However, the company was eventually noted as Åhléns, a Swedish chain.
This certainly isn't the first controversy over skinny mannequins. Back in 2007, Spanish companies such as Zara and Mango promised to replace reed-slim mannequins in store windows with size-6 mannequins or larger after receiving complaints from the Spanish Ministry of Health. Back in 2010, Club Monaco mannequins were also criticized by shoppers for being too scrawny. According to the Los Angeles Times, writer and blogger Cory Doctorow posted a photo of "a dangerously emaciated" mannequin at a London Gap. "I'm wondering what the internal project name for this was at Gap HQ: 'Death-camp chic'? 'Ana Pride'? 'Famine fashion forward'?" he wrote.
In response to the Swedish mannequin photo's success this month, Silvekroon, who posted the photo on her blog in 2010, has set up a website and Facebook page called Swedish Mannequins to campaign for fuller figured mannequins in stores. "Let us try to change the way retailers think when they are about to purchase new mannequins," she wrote. "And let's try to change the way mannequins are produced by manufacturers. Simply put, let us try to change the world of fashion, one small image at a time!"


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