Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

UN relief chief voices concern over flood disaster in South-East Asia

Millions of people have been affected by floods ravaging many countries in Asia

Source: UN New Centre

16 October 2011 – The United Nations humanitarian chief has voiced great concern over the rising impact of storms and flooding on millions of people across South-East Asia, saying the situation is expected to worsen, with river levels still rising and heavy rainfall forecast.

Valerie Amos, the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, said in a statement late on Saturday that the severe floods have claimed the lives of more than 700 people in Cambodia and Thailand.

In Laos, the Philippines and Viet Nam, homes, crops and vital infrastructure have been destroyed. Millions of people living in low-lying areas remain vulnerable to further destruction.

“I commend the action taken by national governments and emergency responders, which has saved many lives,” said Ms. Amos, who is also the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator.

“The United Nations and partners stand ready to support those national-led responses where necessary.”


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