Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lady Gaga defies cloudy weather as she wears tiny denim shorts and matching bra to dinner

On a less than sunny afternoon that was cloudy and overcast, one woman decided to act like summertime was still going strong.
Lady Gaga was seen heading out to dinner with her entourage in typically flamboyant style of dress, on Friday afternoon.
The 26-year-old went down the less-is-more route as she stepped out in her own version of the double denim trend in Juan les Pins, France.
Hello sunshine: Lady Gaga made sure she stood out from the crowd as she wore tiny denim shorts to dinner in Juan les Pins, in France, on Friday
Hello sunshine: Lady Gaga made sure she stood out from the crowd as she wore tiny denim shorts to dinner in Juan les Pins, in France, on Friday
Lady Gaga showed off her toned dancer thighs by wearing a pair of extremely tiny blue shorts which she teamed with a matching bra.
The Born This Way singer was on her way for dinner at Les Pirates restaurant and made sure all eyes were on her.
Gaga wore her red hair back in a ponytail but also had it down over her shoulders as she hid her eyes behind a large pair of sunglasses.
Dressed to impress: The singer arrived at the Pirates restaurant in an outfit better suited for a beach
Dressed to impress: The singer arrived at the Pirates restaurant in an outfit better suited for a beach
Dressed to impress: The singer arrived at the Pirates restaurant in an outfit better suited for a beach

The leader of the pack: Lady Gaga rocked a double denim outfit even though it was rather cloudy in the south of France
The leader of the pack: Lady Gaga rocked a double denim outfit even though it was rather cloudy in the south of France
She teetered down the road in a pair of sky high black ankle boots that were adorned with silver studs.
Flanked by a huge bodyguard, Gaga enjoyed the attention as she made her way into the Italian and Mediterranean cuisine restaurant.
She may dress rather extremely but Lady Gaga's social presence has been recognised and praised by the widow of late musician John Lennon.
A helping hand: Gaga needed a helping hand from her bodyguard as she walked in her heels
A helping hand: Gaga needed a helping hand from her bodyguard as she walked in her heels

Dinner time: The pop star and her entourage made a grand entrance to the restaurant although it was rather quiet
Dinner time: The pop star and her entourage made a grand entrance to the restaurant although it was rather quiet
Yoko Ono is to present the pop star with the biennial peace prize in memory of John Lennon, in recognition of her charity work and equality campaigning.
Gaga will receive the LennonOno Grant For Peace in Reykjavik, Iceland, next week.
Ono said: 'Lady Gaga is one of the biggest living artists of our time. She is not only an artist, she is also an activist, using her art to bring better communication to the world.
'She is being acknowledged for her activism, and how her album Born This Way has widely changed the mental map of the world. And how it has made us deal with the future world, which happens to be here already.'
Born this way: Gaga even needed help getting out of the car as she kept her legs on show in the shorts
Born this way: Gaga even needed help getting out of the car as she kept her legs on show in the shorts


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