Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

ជនជាតិខ្មែរកើតនៅលើដីខ្មែរ ត្រូវចេះខំថែជាតិឲ្យបានរុងរឿង កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះជាតិ យើងបានថ្កុំថ្កើង លុះត្រាតែយើងចេះថែរក្សា។ ទោះបីខ្មែររស់នៅប្រទេសណា ចូរកុំភ្លេចថាខ្លួនកើតមកជាខ្មែរ កុំឲ្យបរទេស គេមកបង្វែរ ឲ្យខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ បែកសាមគ្គីគ្នា ថ្វីបើគេហ៊ានចំណាយ ប្រាក់កាសចាយហូរហៀរយ៉ាងណា ចូរកុំភ្លេច កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះខេមរា រុងរឿងថ្លៃថ្លា តាំងពីបុរាណ ព្រលឹងជាតិនៅគង់វង្សបានយូរ ទាល់តែយើង ស៊ូរួបរួមគ្នាគ្រប់ប្រាណ កសាងជាតិដោយក្តីក្លាហាន នោះជាតិយើងបានស្គាល់ក្តីរុងរឿង។


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hey stupid KR Hun Xen, if it is NOT a dick-tatorship, you would NOT threaten to sue Soung Sophoan!!

Soung Sophoan beaten unconscious by Hun Xen's cops during the Boeung Kak Lake eviction
Cambodian PM to file counter-suit against opposition youth leader over 2010 stampede allegation
PHNOM PENH, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) — Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Sunday that he would file a counter-suit against Soung Sophoan, leader of the Sam Rainsy Party’s youth movement, if the court found that Hun Sen has no fault over the deaths of 353 people in a bridge stampede in Nov. 2010.
The premier’s remarks were made after Soung Sophoan lodged a complaint at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Friday against him, saying that the premier must be responsible for the deaths of 353 people in a bridge stampede in November 2010 during the Water Festival.
Soung Sophoan claimed that the government should be responsible for the deaths of those people because it was poor security and a lack of oversight that created the conditions on the crowded bridge that lead to a fatal panic.

“He said it was a premeditated murder. Let the court to proceed with the case, but I just confirm that as a citizen, if the court found that I have no mistake, I reserve my rights to file a counter-suit against him,” Hun Sen said Sunday during a land-titling ceremony in Preah Sihanouk province.
“This is a must in order to protect my reputation and dignity as well as the government’s reputation and dignity.”
The premier said that when he files the counter-suit, one should not accuse the government of political intimidation because the country is now full of freedom in politics.
“Now, it is clearly shown that politics in Cambodia is free from oppression because a party’s youth leader, whose age is just over 20, has sued the Prime Minister,” he said. “If (it’s) a dictatorship, not let you reach the court.”


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