Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Philadelphia father of two shoots, kills home intruder

Lee Heng says he didn't think twice about what he had to do when he heard two intruders break into his home early Easter morning.

"You don't have time to think," said the 63-year-old South Philadelphia homeowner, husband and father of two. "They came like lightning."

Police say two men broke in through the second floor bathroom window of Heng's home on the 1400 block of S. 6th Street just before 1 a.m.
Heng was sleeping when he heard his 14-year-old son screaming. Realizing his son was in danger, Heng immediately took action.

"I jumped out of the bed and I grabbed my gun," said Heng.
Police say the armed intruders confronted Heng and a struggle ensued. During the scuffle, Heng opened fire and the men left the house through the window and onto the rear roof, according to police.

When police arrived, they found one of the men on the back roof dead. The other intruder got away and was spotted on surveillance video fleeing on foot towards 5th Street.

Heng says one of the men struck him with a gun during the fight. But Heng is thankful that all he suffered was a cut on his lip, considering the fact that his son was sitting at the kitchen table only a few feet away from the two gunmen.

Police continue to search for the second suspect. Officials say Heng will not be charged because he has a right to carry a gun inside his home even though he doesn't have a permit.
In Pennsylvania, a person can be found justified to use force against someone who has broken into their home under the so-called “Castle Doctrine” that was amended in 2011.


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