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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

North Korea appears to have moved a medium range missile capable of hitting targets in South Korea and Japan to its east coast, the South's Yonhap news agency reported Thursday.

SEOUL - North Korea appears to have moved a medium range missile capable of hitting targets in South Korea and Japan to its east coast, the South's Yonhap news agency reported Thursday.
The movement was detected by both South Korean and US intelligence, Yonhap said, citing military and government sources.
"It appeared that the object was a Musudan mid-range missile," it quoted one South Korean official as saying.
"We are closely monitoring whether the North moved it with a view to actual launch or just as a show of force against the US," the official added.
Japan's Asahi Shimbun newspaper also carried a similar report.
The Musudan missile was first unveiled at a military parade in October 2010 and is believed to have an intended range of around 3,000 kilometres (1,860 miles).
However, it is not known to have been tested.
Yonhap cited intelligence sources as saying the North might launch the missile on April 15, the birth anniversary of founding leader Kim Il-Sung.


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