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Friday, April 5, 2013

Samsung Elec. Estimates Q1 Operating Profit at W8.7 Tln

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  • Samsung Electronics estimates its first quarter revenue at 52 trillion won and an operating profit of eight-point-seven trillion won.

    The preliminary estimate puts Samsung’s sales up 14-point-nine percent and its operating profit up 52-point-nine percent from the first quarter last year.

    On-quarter, sales are anticipated to fall seven-point-two percent and operating profit one-point-six percent. However, Samsung fared relatively well in the first three months of the year given the first quarter is typically a low season.

    Since the figure reflects the loan-loss provision of some 600 billion won related to patent lawsuits with Apple, the actual operating profit is likely to be larger.

    Samsung's favorable first quarter earnings are attributed to increased smartphone sales and improved profitability in semiconductors.


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