Freedom of news in the world ,wanted to show the problem in the societies

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Monday, June 25, 2012

The fries the limit: Inside the world's biggest McDonald's restaurant restaurant... yards from Olympic stadium

By Julian Gavaghan

It’s famous for allowing customers to ‘supersize’ their Big Mac meals. But even by its bigger own gargantuan standards, McDonald’s Olympic park restaurant is likely to defy the imagination of even the chain’s chubbiest admirer.
But now burger buffs can finally sneak a peek inside the 32,000-square-foot outlet that is just 200 yards from the main stadium at the site in Stratford, east London.
The enormous eatery stretches over two floors that are each the equivalent to half the length of an American football field. It has seating for 1,500 customers.
McDonald’s, which sponsors both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, expects to shift more than 50,000 Big Mac burgers and 180,000 portions of fries during the six-week festival of sports.
The temporary branch, which is one of three to be built on the park, is built from recyclable materials. The firm have also hired 2,000 staff.
Bigger Mac: An exterior view of the world's largest McDonald's restaurant, their flagship outlet in the Olympic Park
Bigger Mac: An exterior view of the world's largest McDonald's restaurant, their flagship outlet in the Olympic Park

Cavernous: Staff assemble a banner inside the world's largest McDonald's restaurant, which has seating for 1,500 customers
Cavernous: Staff assemble a banner inside the world's largest McDonald's restaurant, which has seating for 1,500 customers

Wooden: The upper floor of the restaurant, which is mostly made of recycled timber
Wooden: The upper floor of the restaurant, which is mostly made of recycled timber

The fries the limit: Searing inside the expansive restaurant
The fries the limit: Searing inside the expansive restaurant

Service with a mile: Assistant manager Rachel Lucien stands at the long checkouts
Service with a mile: Assistant manager Rachel Lucien stands at the long checkouts
Design feat: The restauarnt was constructed so that it could be dismantled after the Games
Design feat: The restauarnt was constructed so that it could be dismantled after the Games
Expanse: Assistant manager Rachel Lucien walks past the checkouts
Expanse: Assistant manager Rachel Lucien walks past the checkouts

Mammoth McDonald's: An exterior view of the world's largest fast food restaurant
Mammoth McDonald's: An exterior view of the world's largest fast food restaurant


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