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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jessica Biel: Fiancé Justin Timberlake ‘has better taste than I do’

Jessica Biel on the cover of InStyle. (Dusan Reljin/InStyle magazine) You might assume that a Hollywood starlet like Jessica Biel, who's been walking the red carpet since she was 14 (and usually looks pretty good), has developed some pretty solid style sense over the years.
But that's not how she sees it.
The 30-year-old actress, who's been engaged to actor/MySpace owner/recovering boy band member Justin Timberlake for the last seven months, confesses to InStyle that she turns to her fiancé for help with decisions in that department. In fact, when it came to choosing the custom-made engagement ring Biel has been sporting since Timberlake popped the question in December, she actually had nothing to do with it.

[Related: Jessica Biel's Hot Body Evolution]
"I had no say whatsoever [in the ring]. I don't micromanage," the brunette beauty says in the magazine's August issue. "He is fearless in his choices and has a real eye for design. And I'll be honest: He has better taste than I do."
So much better, in fact, that Biel confesses she even turns to her 31-year-old better half for everyday wardrobe help. "When I walk out of the closet after getting dressed in the morning, I'll go like this [turns palms upward as if to say, 'Well?'] And he goes like this [shakes his head no]. Then he picks again. It's hilarious."
[Related: See Jessica Biel Without Makeup (Photo)]
After dating "Captain America" actor Chris Evans for five years, Biel began a relationship with Timberlake in 2007. Though the couple broke up in early 2011, they reunited last fall and were soon engaged. As the former "7th Heaven" actress has matured, she explains, she's now more confident when it comes to love. "In my earlier experiences with relationships, I really was vulnerable to somebody else's personality, hobbies, and way of life. But as I've gotten older, I've become proud of the traits that make me who I am. Maintaining my individuality is really important to me because otherwise I can easily slip into somebody else's life. So I'm glad I'm getting better at it. It's a process, but it's getting simpler.""
And while it's unclear when the famous twosome will be tying the knot, Biel already knows the couple she'll turn to for marital advice.
"The best thing I learned from [my parents] is that you have to put your relationship first. It is really easy to let that go by the wayside. It's easy to say, 'Hey. I'll see you later. I love you.' And you can't do that."


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